Here's the original sketch -
After several long days, I worked out the background, and some of the foreground - I had a drawing as you can see, but the difference between a sketch and making it happen on canvas or whatever - wow - a million miles sometimes. I can see it, almost touch it, but when I reach for it in my mind it dissolves like a mist - and when I back away from it, it materializes I'm hanging in a limbo but, little by little, it is becoming a reality.
This piece is a representation of the 'meeting of minds' and the way that people come to a discussion or participate in a relationship bringing all their baggage with them - 'patterns' of behavior, 'scripts', maps for mapping out our reactions...
Anyway, here are some of the parts - who knows how they will turn out in the end. I do have some cool stuff to add to it when I'm farther along, and I have this GREAT piece(the one with the single gear)that I intended to cut up, but I like it too much, so now it's got to be something on its own. It has such pretty color and texture in it, and the gear is cloudy, almost under a layer of gauze, but it's just turp-y paper towel and rubber gloves over very wet oil paint stick and oil pastel - the gear was drawn with dark colors that stained the paper, so it still shows up - almost like encaustics or
I don't know exactly what I'm going to do now, the head with collage around it is me - the other one will be my mom. I've copied several old letters to her from my Dad when they were first married, pictures of her parents, her journals, etc. for her collage.
I love the heads, but the faces are still blank, I'll see what the 'muse' says tomorrow, I was listening to Coldplay today, maybe I'll listen to Leigh Nash tomorrow- hmmm, my gear there looks a little flat on the bottom...
Any ideas?????
I'm putting the arttechniques group comments in here also. This is for me so I can keep track of the 'process' better. Some of the comments have been as eye opening as the writing I've done to prepare for the project. Thanks so much!!!
'Love how you have incorporated what looks to be metal gears on the
heads. Great idea!
The 'gears' are actually cardboard wire spacers of some sort(we think)- OLD - bought at a garage sale several years ago. There's one on my journal too!!
'Hi Deb.
I like your "Stuff"! I really like seeing your sketch and notes on
your project. I also do this but not as organized by putting in a
book. I'm adopting your method. Now I have a use for the new journal
I'm creating.
Chris in Alberta'
'Deb, I love how you did the heads on this and your way to organized for me. LOL Love the notes and sketches. Do you do this for all your work? What a great Idea, and I may have to borrow it. TFS
Patty M.'
Thanks for your comments!!
About the questions - I've always kept sketchbooks or something, but I kept losing things - finding them 10 years later sometimes. About 5 years ago, I had an old sketchbook a kid left behind, and started putting all my little sketches, pictures out of magazines,etc. in it with a gluestick. I have BASS(Bright and Shiney Syndrome) so I am so easily distracted, that if I don't write it down it may be gone forever!
The sketchbook/journal here is an example I made for high school Advanced Placement Art students to use for the concentration section of their portfolio(as part of my masters in art ed class)- it has been a real learning experience for me, that's for sure, I'd have to say that it may have actually changed my life - I have had to focus on the 'concentration' which is "Patterns of Living" so it has kept me on track,on TASK, organized(OMG!)at least as to where my ideas are and where to write new ones for this project. I will continue to use this kind of SB/Journal from now on. I love it. And all my upper level art students will be making them too, so it's a great idea for anyone who has trouble keeping track of things.And I am not this organized anywhere else in my life, which is why it's so important to be organized with my art!!! Otherwise I wouldn't have time to do it at all, it is VERY hard to do my own work during the school year, BUT I can do the planning at least(that's part of the reason there is SO MUCH writing - lots of time to think, but can't have my stuff out all over my classroom.)
It has taken me 3 hours to get all my collage ready for my Mom's 'head' - I have about 7 papers xeroxed onto pattern paper ^_^ ready to be glued down now...I'm doing this before I head home, so back to work!!
Thanks for the kind words!!!
love it !!!!!!!!!! wonderful .looks like real helments
Love this piece!!! Beautiful!!!
Have a Blessed Happy Creative Year!!!
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