Music I'm Listening to These Days...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions!!

2009!!! Where does the time go???
I'm making a resolution to be more 'art-full' and keep up with my blog journaling. Sadly, it may be the only record of ever having lived, since I can't seem to get into the handwritten journaling or even letter writing!
But another 2009 resolution is to be GUILT-FREE!! Be HAPPY!!
Do the best I can, be honest about the time I DO have, and quit WHINING about what I don't have time for!!!
And of course....loose 30 lbs, exercise, and stop procrastinating....same as the last 20 years!! I am at least consistent!!

I saw this cool little 'followers' gadget on dear Charleen's blog and I've seen this several times since. What a neat little gadget! So I'm adding it to mine! Here's the link with instructions!!

Best wishes to all, have a glorious New Year, love and health to you and your families, and keep in touch!! Deb


FAQ said...

so I don't see the icon where I click that I want to follow you. I wanted to follow your blog.

FAQ said...

so I don't see the icon where I click that I want to follow you. I wanted to follow your blog.