Can't believe it's been 4 months since I worked on this one!! It is so hard to find time(whine, whine!) This one is part of a series called 'Burials'. I used the modeling paste and salt on gessoed watercolor paper and wrote(RANTED) and drew in the mix. The colors just don't show up in the pictures, I need to try Dan's camera before I blame the camera, but this is a huge room and it has old style fluorescent lighting. Anyway, this is so pretty up close. I drew some shapes, and then just wrote and wrote and wrote over the writing, then drew more over the writing, I had 3 pieces of w/c paper tacked down and drew around those too. That's the flat areas with the copper and wire with the key (notice I've only finished one!) I have the others, just haven't finished. I have the paper ready for several more, but the writing/drawing is a one time process, it dries fast, and there are no 'do-overs'. The painting part is more relaxed and it's a nice change from the frantic 'vomit' of the first part. I've done this sereral times now, and there is much serendipity with the process.