The show went well, I was a little disappointed that so few of the college students came, but I guess that's how it works when you are a 'long distance' student. It was very pretty - it's amazing what a difference a mat and frame make - add a little spot lighting and it is truly magic!! The lovely flowers were sent by my brother Marc and his wife Carolyn. Unfortunately, my photos don't show the magic very well - we didn't bring the big cameras, and my little camera's settings were all messed up, so the pics are not very good.

This show only had 20 pieces - my senior show in 1985 had 42 pieces! Piece of cake!! I have this picture of me and Dad putting the frames together over that Thanksgiving weekend 24 years ago!! Where does the time go?
This time it was Dan and me - my hero!!! And I only procrastinated a little bit, and of course, everything that could go wrong, did...but it looked lovely, and I'm glad it's over!!